essayclassicA singularity q + a.
by Ray Kurzweil
essayThe new era of health + medicine.
by Ray Kurzweil
columnfor | the Library Journal19922 :: the Future of Libraries — the end of books.
by Ray Kurzweil
essayvintagePromise + Peril
by Ray Kurzweil
essayThe future of accelerating intelligence.
Where will technology lead us?
the INDEXfor essays
essay Who am I + What am I
by Ray Kurzweil
essay2023Don’t delay AI development for large language models.
by Ray Kurzweil
essayThe new era of health + medicine as info-tech.
by Ray Kurzweil
essayA wager on the Turing test — the rules
by Ray Kurzweil
essays | celebrating: 15 year anniversary of the book the Singularity Is Near
writing: by Ray Kurzweil
essayMy view on the chatbot claiming to pass the Turing test.
by Ray Kurzweil